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Expired/Abandoned/Withdrawn Patents

Patent # Title Status Filing Date Issue/Pub Date Intl Class
2008/0000,215 ENGINE SYSTEMS AND METHODSAbandonedApr 13, 07Jan 03, 08[F02B]
2005/0109,310 Rotary machine and thermal cycleAbandonedJul 30, 04May 26, 05[F02B]
2004/0187,839 Rotary machine and thermal cycleAbandonedNov 25, 03Sep 30, 04[F02B]
6782866 Rotary machine and thermal cycleExpiredSep 30, 02Aug 31, 04[F02B]
2004/0159,306 Rotary machine and thermal cycleAbandonedNov 25, 03Aug 19, 04[F02B]
6684825 Rotary machine and thermal cycleExpiredSep 30, 02Feb 03, 04[F02B]
6672275 Rotary machine and thermal cycleExpiredSep 30, 02Jan 06, 04[F02B]
6658838 Shaped charge engineExpiredJun 14, 02Dec 09, 03[F02K]
6484687 Rotary machine and thermal cycleExpiredMay 07, 01Nov 26, 02[F02B]
6430919 Shaped charged engineExpiredMar 02, 00Aug 13, 02[F02K]

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